Exhibition and Lecture: The Night Sky

Thursday, July 12th 2012, 6:00pm

Doug Adams Gallery, Bade Museum, Pacific School of Religion, 1798 Scenic Avenue, Berkeley CA, 94709

Free and open to the public

Please join us for this interdisciplinary look at "The Night Sky", with references to celestial aspects of darkness and light. Three speakers will ponder "The Night Sky" through scientific, literary and visual lenses, against the backdrop of Cathy Richardson's "Dimensions of Dark" exhibition in the Doug Adams Gallery.

Catherine Richardson grew up near the Moors and Dales of Yorkshire England and attended Art College in London for her BFA. The natural world has always provided poetic intrigue for her, and she has used painting, sculptural installations and drawings as a platform to explore various ways of expressing the phenomenology of place. After graduating with an MFA from John F Kennedy’s Arts and Consciousness program, Catherine was awarded the Sonoma County Emerging Artist Award and twice nominated for the prestigious Eureka Fellowship. She shows in galleries in the Bay Area and is represented by Hammerfiriar Gallery in Healdsburg California.

Devin Zuber is an assistant professor for American Studies, Literature and Swedenborgian Studies at the Pacific School of Religion and the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, California. Dr. Zuber received his PhD at City University of New York, where he was awarded the alumni and faculty award for most distinguished dissertation for 2009-2010. Before coming to Berkeley, Devin was the in-residence Eccles fellow for American Studies at the British Library in London, and taught for three years as an assistant professor of American Studies at the University of Osnabrueck in northern Germany.

In 1999 Mr. Ben Burress joined the staff at the new Chabot Space & Science Center in Oakland, California as Project Coordinator for the Lockheed-Martin Solar-B Focal Plane Package Education/Public Outreach program. Mr. Burress has also developed and implemented a solar exhibit, designed and conducted astronomy classes for elementary and middle school students visiting Chabot, researched and produced interpretive materials for Chabot exhibits, kiosks, and displays, and developed online content, simulations, and interactives for the Chabot website. Burress earned a Bachelor’s degree in Physics, with an Astronomy Minor, from Sonoma State University. He is currently an astronomer and content developer at Chabot Space & Science Center.