WATCH: Brownbag Lunch with Indonesian Scholar Rev. Nancy Souisa

Wednesday, March 30 at 12:30pm

Pacific School of Religion, Mudd 101, 1798 Scenic Avenue, Berkeley

Reverend Souisa teaches at Indonesia Christian University in Maluku and has previously served as Co-Moderator of Congress of Asian Theologians and Executive Director of the Association of Theological Schools in Indonesia. She holds Masters degrees from Indonesia Christian University in Maluku and Satya Wacana Christian University. She is completing her Certificate of Advanced Professional Studies at Pacific School of Religion this semester.

Reverend Souisa has written for a wide variety of publications on topics ranging from gender and feminism to ethnicity. Her graduate thesis for Satya Wacana Christian University was entitled PAPALELE: A Locus for Theologizing of Women in Ambon.


Rev. Souisa believes that even though many Indonesians can wholly practice religions that originated outside of Indonesia (such as Islam, Christianity, Hinduism), they people still have their indigenous religion rooted in their hearts.


Rev. Souisa talks about love as a powerful force and the place of culture in a community, beyond attracting tourism.


Rev. Souisa answers the question “As a woman, how have your theological studies influenced your sense of self?”.

   Rev. Souisa discusses conflict and reconciliation in Eastern Indonesia.