Alumna Lord (Ph.D. '03) made Full Professor at Austin Seminary

Jennifer L. Lord was inaugurated on November 21, 2013, as full professor in The Dorothy B. Vickery Chair of Homiletics and Liturgical Studies at Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary.

“Dr. Lord has made enormous contributions to her scholarly fields, having become recognized as an accomplished and much-appreciated scholar, teacher, writer, preacher, pastor, mentor and friend,” said Austin Seminary President Theodore J. Wardlaw.

Lord joined the faculty of Austin Seminary in 2005. Prior to her appointment, she was assistant professor of Preaching and Worship and Dean of the Chapel at Lancaster Theological Seminary and she served pastorates in Nebraska and Upstate New York.

She received a Bachelor of Arts in English Literature and Ancient Studies from Albion College in 1986, the Master of Divinity degree from Princeton Theological Seminary in 1989, and her doctorate from the Graduate Theological Union in 2003. She was ordained to the Ministry of Word and Sacrament in 1990 from the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and is a member of the Presbytery of Arkansas. She currently serves as the faculty representative to the Austin Seminary Board of Trustees.

“Professor Lord is a recognized authority in her fields of homiletics and liturgical studies, an accomplished scholar and teacher, and a wise and thoughtful faculty leader,” said Academic Dean Allan H. Cole Jr.

Her book Finding Language and Imagery: Words for Holy Speech (Fortress Press, Elements of Preaching Series) was published in 2009.

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