You are cordially invitied to the upcoming event hosted by the Olive Tree Initiative at Berkeley: Religion and Conflict: Intersections of Faith in Conflict and Conflict Resolution, on November 7th at 6:30pm in 106 Moffit (UC Berkeley). The event will be focusing on the past and present relations, whether conflictual or constructive, between the three main monotheistic religions -- particularly as related to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. We will be featuring an expert panel of scholars and practitioners who deal with interfaith conflict and peacebuilding, including:
Huda Abu Arqoub -Co-Executive Director of Abraham's Vision, a conflict transformation organization that explores group and individual identities through experiential and political education. Examining social relations within and between the Jewish, Muslim, Israeli, and Palestinian communities, we empower participants to practice just alternatives to the status quo.
Dr. Rabbi Ron Kronish -Director of the Interreligious Coordinating Council in Israel, Israel's best-known and most-respected interreligious organization. It comprises more than 60 Christian, Muslim, and Jewish institutions and organizations. ICCI deeply believes that, when people of faith join together in mutual understanding and respect to achieve the common goal of living together in harmony, their efforts will help reduce the violence and increase the chances that people in the region will learn to live in peace.
Professor Manuel Duarte de Oliveira - Near Eastern Studies, University of California, Berkeley, focusing his research on the historical conflicts between Judaism and Christianity and assessing whether attitudes of confrontation can be challenged by/evolve towards attitudes of complementarity and collaboration