Opening Reception | American Prayer: photographs by Lucas Foglia

Thursday, September 5th 2024, 5:00pm to 7:00pm
Doug Adams Gallery, 2400 Ridge Road Berkeley, CA 94709

Celebrate the opening of American Prayer: photographs by Lucas Foglia, on view in the Doug Adams Gallery from September 5 through December 13. Join us for music, refreshments, and to meet the artist!

Co-sponsored by the Center for Climate Justice & Faith at the Pacific Lutheran Theological SeminaryAmerican Prayer interweaves art and activism to powerfully illustrate the connection between humanity, the natural world, and the divine.

For four years, Lucas Foglia traveled throughout the United States to attend religious and spiritual rituals in nature. The people he photographed share the belief that nature is both our salvation and our responsibility. In a divided time across the country, American Prayer points to all of our common ground—a graceful reminder of our need to care for the world and each other. Visitors to the gallery will have opportunities to participate in local climate advocacy, check their voting status, and get involved with Bay Area organizations addressing the climate crisis.

Lucas Foglia is a fine art photographer based in Berkeley, California, who makes stories about people in nature. His photographic prints have been widely exhibited and published internationally.

Image credit: Lucas Foglia, Elder Osei Hawkins and Pastor Gregory Hughes Baptizing Sharon Belfrom, Georgia 2018

The Doug Adams Gallery is the primary exhibition space for the Center for the Arts & Religion at the Graduate Theological Union.