Artists’ Talk
Mining the Collection: Finding Meaning in the Mess
In CARE’s Doug Adams Gallery
Guest Speakers: Judith Selby Lang & Richard Lang
Moderator: Lydia Brawner
Featuring a performance by Bob Marsh
Co-sponsored by the Badè Museum of Biblical Archaeology
Since 1999, the Langs have been visiting Point Reyes National Seashore, gathering plastic debris as it washes out of the Pacific Ocean. Like archaeologists, the Langs carefully collect and organize these artifacts of our time. The Langs’ prints stand on their own as beautiful and arresting artworks; the surprise is in the realization that they have been created out of plastic debris. In this way, the Langs address our throwaway culture, the ubiquity of plastic, and our shared responsibility for environmental stewardship.
For more on the exhibition, visit the CARE Website.