GTU, Hindu Spiritual Care Institute, and Motwani-Jadeja Foundation Celebrate the First Interreligious Hindu Chaplains in Pioneering Partnership

Berkeley, CA, June 3, 2024 – The Graduate Theological Union (GTU) celebrates a collaborative partnership with the Hindu Spiritual Care Institute (HSCI) and the Motwani-Jadeja Foundation. This partnership has reached a significant milestone by introducing the first seven interreligious Hindu Chaplains, who will serve as ambassadors of spiritual wellness and community service.

The work of chaplains is more important than ever before, as levels of loneliness are on the rise and mental health is in decline. By bringing the fullness of Hindu traditions to the forefront, these chaplains are filling a void in the need for spiritual care in our world and enhancing the quality of life of the communities they serve. The support from the Motwani-Jadeja Foundation will enable the development of essential community service solutions and provide a robust platform for training and universal community service grounded in Hindu tradition and wisdom.

Asha Jadeja Motwani, founder of the Motwani-Jadeja Foundation, stated, “We are thrilled to support this pioneering initiative. By integrating Hindu spiritual care into various sectors, we can address critical issues of mental health and well-being in our communities. These chaplains embody the Hindu tradition’s compassionate and inclusive spirit, and we believe their work will profoundly impact society.”

Dr Kailash Joshi, HSCI President added, “The coming together of GTU, HSCI and the Motwani-Jadeja Foundation has, within a few short years, created unprecedented opportunities for the expansion of spiritual care. The HSCI team continues to develop and grow the program worldwide.”

Dr. Kamal Abu-Shamsieh, Director of the Interreligious Chaplaincy Program at GTU, affirmed, “This collaboration represents a groundbreaking step in the interreligious chaplaincy landscape. The introduction of Hindu chaplains will not only broaden the scope of spiritual care but also enrich our communities with the wisdom and compassion inherent in the Hindu tradition. We are honored to support and witness the positive impact these chaplains will have.”

These pioneering chaplains exemplify the commitment to integrating Hindu spiritual care into various sectors, fostering a holistic approach to well-being and community support. The GTU is honored to be a part of this groundbreaking effort, contributing to the advancement of spiritual care and community service for the betterment of society.




About the Hindu Spiritual Care Institute ( 

Silicon Valley professionals founded Hindu Spiritual Care Institute, formerly known as Hindu Community Institute (HCI), in 2018 as a first-of-its-kind, non-profit, service-learning institution. HSCI addresses the need for selfless service (the ancient Hindu philosophy of karma yoga) and modern-day spiritual care in the Hindu diaspora countries. 

HSCI provides two graduate certificate courses globally to professionals of all backgrounds: one for service as volunteers in their communities and the other a post-graduate pre-chaplaincy course that enables admission to the Interreligious Chaplaincy Program (ICP) at the Graduate Theological Union (GTU). HSCI also raises funds for fellowships for qualified applicants who aspire to become Hindu Chaplains.

Among the unique features of HSCI are 1) over 100 expert volunteers perform all operations and teach at HCI, 2) HSCI maintains a strong interchange with interfaith and other Hindu organizations in the community service and spiritual support space, and 3) HSCI is building a global network of spiritual care leaders of the future.


About the Motwani Jadeja Foundation (

Motwani Jadeja Foundation is a not-for-profit, distributed, global venture fund, that aims to transform entrepreneurial individuals into creative change-makers. Their start-ups are a reflection of this ethos. Motwani Jadeja Foundation supports a global network of entrepreneurial thinkers, artists, writers, and tech innovators driven by the values of individual freedom and excellence. Motwani Jadeja Foundation aims to support and empower entrepreneurs to enable impact and exponential change. It is industry-agnostic and particularly cares about impact investing in education, the Maker Movement, and women’s rights, primarily in South Asia. Based out of the Bay Area, NYC, and India, the foundation has a strong global footprint across various tech sectors and academia. Its network has deep roots throughout Google and Stanford, from where it develops opportunities that help bridge gaps and contribute to solving global social problems. 


About the Graduate Theological Union ( 

The Graduate Theological Union (GTU) is one of the world’s leading hubs for the study of religion, theology, and spiritual exploration offering educational resources with global reach. Renowned for its interreligious and interdisciplinary approach, the GTU provides graduate and continuing education programs inspired by the world’s diverse spiritual paths, faiths, and cultural traditions to empower students who have a passion for serving others. The faculty at the GTU take a unique instructional approach to encourage dynamic discourse about the world’s wisdom traditions and their power to transform lives and communities. To learn more, please visit