A Conversation about "Care" in Arabic and Hebrew

Monday, July 22nd 2024, 5:00pm
Dinner Board Room, Flora Lamson Hewlett Library, 2400 Ridge Road Berkeley, CA 94709

Madrasa-Midrasha | A Conversation about "Care" in Arabic and Hebrew

Please join us for a Madrasa-Midrasha event featuring a discussion about "Care" in Arabic and Hebrew. Food will be provided.

Registration for In-Person | Registration for Zoom





Kamal Abu-Shamsieh is Director of the Interreligious Chaplaincy Program (ICP) and Assistant Professor of Practical Theology at the GTU. He founded Ziraya Muslim Spiritual Care and extensively traveled internationally to train chaplains in primarily Arab and Muslim countries. Since 2012, he has served as a chaplain at Stanford Hospital and Clinics. He completed four clinical pastoral education units (CPE) at Stanford Hospital and a Certificate in Palliative Care Chaplaincy from California State University Institute for Palliative Care. He completed a Ph.D. at the Graduate Theological Union in 2019 where he examined Prophet Muhammad's dying experience as a good death model for an Islamic practical theology for end-of-life care.


Born in Jerusalem, Aviv Peretz is a native Hebrew speaker. He has an MA in Economics and an MSc in Computer Science, both from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He was working in the tech industry for almost two decades before transitioning into Hebrew instruction. He is certified by Hebrew University’s Rothberg International School, undergoing its Hebrew Teacher Training program. He teaches Hebrew and Mathematics courses at the Rothberg International School's preparatory program at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Aviv is passionate about languages, Hebrew in particular, and has a personal blog, 'Zutey Dvarim'.